Benefits of Membership
INTERACT’s mission is to bring genetic testing laboratories, industry organizations and patient advocacy groups together to support the progression and evolution of medical policy and standards of care for genetic testing for a hereditary predisposition to cancer. Membership in INTERACT thus provides the opportunity to collaborate with other like-minded organizations working to increase appropriate access to testing. We do this by providing evidence-based input to NCCN and other professional societies (such as ACOG, ASCO, etc.) whose guidelines address cancer genetic testing. We also work collaboratively to produce evidence to assess the need for guideline changes. Through strength in numbers, increasing membership will lead to greater success in improving patient access to genetic testing.
Membership in INTERACT is free. Member organizations share in the nominal costs associated with the INTERACT website, press releases, etc.
Positions and viewpoints expressed by INTERACT may not be shared by all coalition members. Similarly, individual organizations may advance views or positions that do not represent INTERACT. Coalition member support is indicated by their signature on a position or statement document.
How to Join
INTERACT Coalition welcomes any entity (defined as either a commercial company or a formal non-profit organization) whose mission includes addressing genetic testing, management or other needs of individuals at risk for hereditary cancer.
To inquire about membership with our group, submit the membership application form below:
The application will be assessed by the Admission Committee and the applicant will get feedback on the decision within two months.
Commercial membership includes the obligation to share in financial support of the website and other Coalition activities.
Applicants should be prepared to act in adherence with the Coalition’s Charter and Rules of Engagement. They can be found here: